We follow the best known Rebel in all History - JESUS CHRIST. HE was an OUTLAW in his own land, hunted by many, hated by many, followed by many, and loved by many. HE did not come to Conform - he came to Save. Many of us fall into a rut and can never pull out of it. "OUTLAW GOSPEL MINISTRIES" is simply a tool to connect with those who are "out on the sidelines" watching all of us who are Christians and trying to decide if they want to join in or not - the lost.  At times... we can't blame them. Some of us are not very nice to one another.


"OUTLAW GOSPEL" is here to say, give us a shot - let's talk.  If you are a Christian who loves the Lord, then "OUTLAW GOSPEL" is for you as well. Join in, help out, & become part of the solution - not the dilution. If you don't know Christ and want to see what it's all about... "OUTLAW GOSPEL" is where "you" want to be. If you don't feel comfortable going to a church, if you just have questions - contact "OUTLAW GOSPEL MINISTRIES" and let's chat. You see, we believe in the "fact" that GOD loves us "all". We were not placed here to fight each other, we were not placed here to point fingers and condemn one another. No one is perfect and no one gets it right the first time - not the 2nd time - and frankly not the third or fourth time.  We are all sinners - only saved thorugh Christ.  "OUTLAW GOSPEL MINISTRIES" is here for the lost, the found, those up and those down. The Lord loves "you" - and we do too. Contact info is at the bottom of this page - jot us a line and say hello. Read on...



"Outlaw Gospel"... a new Genre of Music.  "Outlaw Gospel" was coined by Cody McCarver (formerly of Confederate Railroad) and Jeff (jt) Mankin (owner of jtMankin, Ent. and Co-owner of WTS Media, Inc. CD & DVD Replication – Chattanooga, TN) as they tried to fit the songs they were writing for a new CD project called "The Lord's Wlil" into the different Genres of music today - and it just did not fit.  The execs in Nashville told us, "it's just too Outlaw sounding for Gospel Radio"  So what they found was that many of the songs "had no place to call home" in today's Gospel Genre. The music they were writing did not "fit" Contemporary Christian, Southern Gospel, or the “Red Book Hymnal” style of good ole’ Christian music we all grew up with... so... "Outlaw Gospel" was born.  Jeff and Cody started asking around and found that many other artists had written songs that did not fit the “mainstream” Music Genres either, so they decided to branch out and start their own – “Outlaw Gospel Music” - a place where artists can all come together and have their songs heard that also "had no place to call home" - until now.


Within this venture of “Outlaw Gospel” also came “Outlaw Gospel Music” (the Genre), “Outlaw Gospel Records” (the Record Label & Publishing arm), “Outlaw Gospel Magazine” (the Information Center) and “Outlaw Gospel Radio” (the means to get the music to the masses). Each of these unique entities allow a place for the wayward songs and artists to hang their hat.


The process has begun. Jeff and Cody are now looking for Artists as well as Distributors, Radio Stations, Song Writers, and others in the music industry who want to “Partner Up”. “Jeff and I feel this to be more of a 'Grass Roots' venture rather than a 'Big Industry' one where the artists and the fans have more control of what they like and listen to.” (Cody McCarver).


How OUTLAW GOSPEL found its roots: Those who have studied the Bible know that Jesus was a Rebel in his own land. His ideas and teachings shook the entire nation. Many looked at him as a SAVIOR. Many looked at him as an OUTLAW. In his own words Jesus said, “Foxes have holes and the birds of the air have lodging places, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.” (MATTHEW 8:20).  Spiritually, there are many men and women today – many you may know - who have no place to lay their head. For whatever reason, they are not approached and told about the one person who came to give “them” hope - JESUS CHRIST. OUTLAW GOSPEL is not only breaking ground for a new Genre of music, but it is also a MINISTRY – a new tool to reach out to those who too have no place to lay their head.


"The opportunities to minister to someone as well as the ways of doing so are very diverse - you can do so simply by letting people see how you live - be a light.  Cody and I have chosen to make OUTLAW GOSPEL a tool for ministry in order to reach everyone:  the saved, the un-saved, the Church goer and the non-Church goer.  If you seem to "not fit in to Church" - or maybe you fit in but like what we have going - contact us - Outlaw Gospel is for you!" (Jeff Mankin)


Copyright 2014 OutlawGospelMinistries.com | All Rights Reserved


-founders:  Cody McCarver and Jeff (jt) Mankin


Below you will find:


-how this all got started.


-info on "The Lord's Will":  the 1st CD to be released on the Outlaw Gospel Records label written and performed by Cody McCarver and Jeff (jt) Mankin.


-in addition to the music they love, Cody and Jeff wanted to create an avenue for anyone who loves Christ or wants more information about the Lord.  If that's you, click CONTACTS in the menu above and say hello.


So... you may ask, what is "OUTLAW GOSPEL"?

OUTLAW GOSPEL(TM)... it's time.